Macomb Scavenger Hunt
Your mission for the Macomb Scavenger is to find student resources across campus that will help you succeed in this class and as a student at Macomb.
To complete this project, you will need:
Phone with a camera or a digital camera
Time to walk around campus; you can work with each other on this, just make sure you each get your own photos!
Part I: Photographs
Take a photograph of yourself in front of the door/signage (make sure the room number or signage is visible in your photograph) of:
The Reading and Writing Studio
The Learning Center
Career Services
Student Life and Leadership office
Another student service (of your choice, e.g. Veteran Services, Counseling and Advising, etc.)
Note: Exterior signage (like the signs around campus) will not count. The point of this assignment is for you to actually go into the area and either talk to someone there about what they do or pick up a flyer/info on what the service does.
Occasionally certain buildings will be under construction and these spaces may move. Please go to the temporary location if that is the case.
Part II: Explanation of the Resource
Write a brief explanation for each photograph with information about the resource and what services they provide.
If you print out the photos with some space on the page, you can just write your notations on that sheet. If you upload photos to Google Drive, you can add a comment on the photograph or you can include a separate document with the explanation for each community.
Submitting the Project
You have two options for turning in this project:
Create a “Macomb Scavenger Hunt” folder in your ENGL 1180 Google Drive folder and upload all folders and written explanations into the folder.
Print out the photos and write-ups and put in a folder or staple them together. Don’t forget to put your name on it!
Submission Checklist
☐ All 5 required photos (see list above)
☐ Brief explanation for each resource to go with each photo