Final Portfolio
For your final portfolio, will need to create a portfolio consisting of original and revised material.
Revision is all about taking a fresh set of eyes to previously created materials. Although this may sound like glorified proofreading, revision is a whole heap more than that, and to be done EFFECTIVELY, revision requires the power triad of time, organization, and attention to detail. The danger with revision lies in the temptation to believe you already know all the ins and outs of your work—believing there is nothing left to “do” to it. Editing can be a final step as part of the revision, but revision is not editing. Revision is revisiting, rereading, rethinking, reworking, and re-seeing.
For your final portfolio, you will be asked to revise two of your projects and write a final reflection piece.
CHECK THE CLASS CALENDAR FOR THE DUE DATE. The Final Portfolio will not be accepted late.
Final Portfolio Checklist
Choose ONE of the following to revise:
from Project 1: Genre Analysis Essay , OR
from Project 2: Genre Centerpiece
Project 3: Persuasive Paper revised
Final Reflection (see the following section for directions and requirements)
Revision Instructions for the Projects
For this revision, you must work in Google Docs – do not just upload the final revised document. We have several days in the computer lab for you to work on these revisions.
If you have limited access to a computer/internet:
Considering doing the revisions on paper first, then you can make the changes to your draft in Google Drive.
Plan on using a computer in one of Macomb’s computer labs (like the library). Do the work on paper, and you will be able to then make the edits once we are in the lab.
We will go through this in class, but if you miss that day, you will need to do this on your own (or come to my office hours for help).
Make a copy of the essays that you are planning to revise by right-clicking on the revised draft in Google Drive and clicking “Make a copy”
If your Genre Centerpiece was done in an external app/software, you can make those changes elsewhere and then upload the file, but the papers should all be worked on in Google Drive.
Rename the copy “Final” and then the paper name, for example, “Final Paper 2”.
Move the copy to your Final Portfolio folder.
Make all revisions directly on that final copy.
As a part of your final grade on the revision, I will track the changes using “Revision History” to view your revision process.
You will need to focus on both high/middle-order concerns and later-order concerns to have a substantially revised essay. I strongly recommend vising the Reading and Writing Studio for revision suggestions. Also, take into consideration the comments I made on your paper and consider asking friends or family members for their suggestions. Remember, you are not just “proofreading” your paper, but are expected to do substantial revision work.
Final Reflection
Your final reflection will be a thorough and insightful reflection on your writing in this course. Because you will be covering more reflection than in previous reflection letters, the length and scale of this final is obviously greater.
You may write this in any genre that you choose or make a video.
If you choose to write an essay, the length requirement is at least words total. This should be formatted in MLA and use academic writing conventions.
If you choose another genre, the piece should be the equivalent of this length. In other words, it doesn’t necessarily need to be the same exact word count, but it should still be detailed and developed enough that it would cover the same information as a 3-4 page essay.
Some examples: a 3-4 minute video, a 2-3 page magazine article, a long text conversation (this will likely be more than 3 pages to get all of the same information across).
Several Notes:
Since PowerPoint presentations are meant to be used with a presentation, you can only choose a PowerPoint if you want to record a video of a presentation along with the PowerPoint.
If you choose a genre that requires design/layout, be thoughtful about your choices.
The following will need to be covered in your Final Reflection.
Which paper did you revise (other than persuasive paper) and why did you pick it?
How (specifically) did you go about revising? (Be specific about what you revised.)
Specifically discuss at least one HOC/MOC revision (high/middle order concern) and at
least one LOC revision (later order concern) per paper.
You can also use this section of the essay to discuss your understanding of the revision
process, now, at the end of the semester.
Next, what are the strengths of your revised drafts? The weaknesses?
What do you think of yourself as a writer? How have you grown as a writer? As a student?
And finally, advice would you offer to students taking this class next semester?
This reflection essay will be written in the genre of a formal essay, and thus it needs to work with the conventions appropriate to that genre (e.g. full sentences and paragraphs, proofread, edited, formal language). Furthermore, think about me as your audience. I will grade this reflection essay to the same standard that I grade your paper revisions, so put time into this, get feedback if you can, and proofread.
Revised Paper (A) Requirements
Revised Paper (A) meets requirements, has been thoughtfully revised, and the revision has improved the paper.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper meets the requirements of the original assignment. Additionally, the paper has been revised for high/middle and later-order concerns. The revision is thoughtful and has improved the paper.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The paper meets the original requirements of the assignment. Additionally, the paper has been revised. The paper may still need some revision, but the revision has improved the paper, overall.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The paper either: - meets the requirements of the initial assignment but revision needs more work, or - has been thoughtfully revised, but one of the initial criteria aren't met (such as being slightly under the length requirements or not thoroughly covering one of the prompts).
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The Paper does not meet the initial requirements for the assignment and/or has not been revised. For example, the following issues may be present: - Some proofreading has been done but high and/or middle-order concerns were not addressed. - The paper is substantially missing one or more of the requirements for the initial assignment, such as being significantly under the length requirement or not addressing the required prompts.
Revised Paper (A) Genre and Organization
Revised Paper (A) meets the expected conventions of the genre(s) for the assignment, including paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, style, tone, paragraph development, and flow.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper follows the expected conventions of the genre. The ideas are well developed, the paper is well organized, the paragraphs are well organized and developed, and the flow of the paper is easy to read and understand.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper is understandable and well-developed. There may be some small issues with the flow, clarity, or sentence structure, but overall the organization of the paper is clear and easy to follow.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper is understandable and mostly develops the points/ideas, but has an issue with one or more of the following: paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, clarity, sentence structure, and/or development.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper has issues with organization, structure, or development that impacts the readability and/or the ability of the paper to make clear points. The Paper needs significantly more revision.
Revised Paper (A) Paragraph Organization
Revised Paper (A) uses topic sentences to organize the essay's main points, uses evidence/examples to support the main points, and explains and/or analyzes the evidence to connect back to the points. Note: for Paper 2, this will be evaluated on paragraph organization based on the conventional style of paragraphing for that genre.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper consistently uses topic sentences to organize the main points of the essay. Additionally, the points and claims of the essay are consistently supported by evidence/examples, and the evidence/examples are explained or analyzed to support the main points.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper mostly uses topic sentences to organize the main points of the essay. Evidence and examples are often used, but may be missing occasionally. The thesis and claims are still generally well supported by evidence and a discussion of that evidence.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper generally uses topic sentences and examples/evidence to support the main points, but one or more of the following issues are occurring: - topic sentence use is inconsistent - evidence is occasionally missing when a claim is being made. - evidence is not discussed after it is presented (i.e. the paper goes to the next topic without analyzing or discussing the evidence/example).
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper is missing evidence or examples to support the claims being made. Inappropriate evidence is being used (i.e. using secondary research when not appropriate/allowed by the assignment), and/or the paper does not use topic sentences or is generally disorganized, causing the claims and main points to be unclear or missing.
Revised Paper (A) Proofreading
Revised Paper (A) has been proofread and has little to no sentence-level errors including grammatical issues, mechanics, and spelling.
Points Breakdown
6 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper is effectively proofread.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper has been proofread, but there are still some sentence-level issues around grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper has not been proofread and has significant sentence-level errors that impact readability.
Revised Paper (B) Requirements
Revised Paper (B) meets requirements, has been thoughtfully revised, and the revision has improved the paper.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper meets the requirements of the original assignment. Additionally, the paper has been revised for high/middle and later-order concerns. The revision is thoughtful and has improved the paper.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The paper meets the original requirements of the assignment. Additionally, the paper has been revised. The paper may still need some revision, but the revision has improved the paper, overall.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The paper either: - meets the requirements of the initial assignment but revision needs more work, or - has been thoughtfully revised, but one of the initial criteria aren't met (such as being slightly under the length requirements or not thoroughly covering one of the prompts).
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The Paper does not meet the initial requirements for the assignment and/or has not been revised. For example, the following issues may be present: - Some proofreading has been done but high and/or middle-order concerns were not addressed. - The paper is substantially missing one or more of the requirements for the initial assignment, such as being significantly under the length requirement or not addressing the required prompts.
Revised Paper (B) Genre and Organization
Revised Paper (B) meets the expected conventions of the genre(s) for the assignment, including paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, style, tone, paragraph development, and flow.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper follows the expected conventions of the genre. The ideas are well developed, the paper is well organized, the paragraphs are well organized and developed, and the flow of the paper is easy to read and understand.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper is understandable and well-developed. There may be some small issues with the flow, clarity, or sentence structure, but overall the organization of the paper is clear and easy to follow.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper is understandable and mostly develops the points/ideas, but has an issue with one or more of the following: paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, clarity, sentence structure, and/or development.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper has issues with organization, structure, or development that impacts the readability and/or the ability of the paper to make clear points. The Paper needs significantly more revision.
Revised Paper (B) Paragraphing
Revised Paper (B) uses topic sentences to organize the essay's main points, uses evidence/examples to support the main points, and explains and/or analyzes the evidence to connect back to the points.
Points Breakdown
8 to >7 pts
The revised paper consistently uses topic sentences to organize the main points of the essay. Additionally, the points and claims of the essay are consistently supported by evidence/examples, and the evidence/examples are explained or analyzed to support the main points.
7 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper mostly uses topic sentences to organize the main points of the essay. Evidence and examples are often used, but may be missing occasionally. The thesis and claims are still generally well supported by evidence and a discussion of that evidence.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper generally uses topic sentences and examples/evidence to support the main points, but one or more of the following issues are occurring: - topic sentence use is inconsistent - evidence is occasionally missing when a claim is being made. - evidence is not discussed after it is presented (i.e. the paper goes to the next topic without analyzing or discussing the evidence/example).
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper is missing evidence or examples to support the claims being made. Inappropriate evidence is being used (i.e. using secondary research when not appropriate/allowed by the assignment), and/or the paper does not use topic sentences or is generally disorganized, causing the claims and main points to be unclear or missing.
Revised Paper (B) Proofreading
Revised Paper (B) has been proofread and has little to no sentence-level errors including grammatical issues, mechanics, and spelling.
Points Breakdown
6 to >4 pts
Meets Criteria
The revised paper is effectively proofread.
4 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The revised paper has been proofread, but there are still some sentence-level issues around grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The paper has not been proofread and has significant sentence-level errors that impact readability.
Final Reflection Genre and Rhetorical Situation
The Final Reflection meets the expected conventions of the chosen genre and shows a clear understanding of the rhetorical situation, including writing for a specific audience and for a specific purpose.
Points Breakdown
10 to >9 pts
The final reflection is written in the chosen genre effectively, uses the conventions well, and shows a clear understanding of writing in that genre. Additionally, the reflection has a clear purpose and seems written for a clear audience.
9 to >5 pts
Meets Criteria
The final reflection uses the conventions of the chosen genre well. Additionally, the purpose of the reflection is clear.
5 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The paper has a clear genre choice, but may not use some of the expected conventions or may not use them effectively. Additionally, the purpose and/or audience may not be clear.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The Final Reflection does not show a clear understanding of genre and conventions. The reflection may not be effective at communicating information and/or the purpose.
Final Reflection Development and Prompts
The Final Reflection covers the required prompts and is well developed.
Points Breakdown
10 to >9 pts
The Final Reflection covers all required prompts effectively and with good development. The ideas are supported by evidence/examples and the overall structure of the writing/video is clear and supports the purpose and information in the reflection.
9 to >5 pts
Meets Criteria
The Final Reflection covers the required prompts effectively and with good development.
5 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The Final Reflection has one of the following issues: - one of the prompts is not addressed, or - the prompts are all addressed, but one or two of them may not be well developed, or - the prompts are lightly addressed and discussed but no evidence/examples are used to support the points.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The Final Reflection does not cover two or more of the required prompts and/or the Final Reflection does not develop out the prompts in a way that clearly explores the ideas. The reflection also does to employ examples to support the points.
Final Reflection Organization
The Final Reflection is well organized for the genre choice
Points Breakdown
10 to >9 pts
The Final Reflection is well organized for the chosen genre, the ideas flow, and transitions are used as needed. The organization supports the main ideas in the reflection and also is appropriate for the genre.
9 to >5 pts
Meets Criteria
The Final Reflection is generally well-organized and appropriate for the genre. Additionally, the organization is logical for the genre.
5 to >0 pts
Needs improvement
The overall organization has one of the following issues: - the organization and structure do not fit with the genre choice - the organization of the reflection has issues in spots. For example, it may start off organized (for that particular genre) but then it gets off track.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The organization of the Final Reflection is not logical and/or does not work for the chosen genre.
Final Reflection Revision and Proofreading
The Final Reflection has been revised and/or proofread. It is generally free of errors and readability/watchability issues. See the long description for more on videos.
Points Breakdown
10 to >7 pts
Meets Criteria
The Final Reflection is polished and professional. For written genres, it is generally free of sentence-level errors and has been proofread and revised. For videos, the presentation appears rehearsed or edited to be polished and professional.
7 to >0 pts
Meets Criteria
The Final Reflection has some issues with errors or polishing. For videos, it may appear rushed or not thought-through. For written pieces, it may have sentence-level issues that are impacting clarity or readability.
0 pts
Criteria Not Met
The Final Reflection appears to have been completed hastily. For a written piece, it has a significant amount of errors or readability issues. For a video, it has not been planned and executed in a way that creates a polished and professional-looking piece (for example: recording the video quickly with no graphics or other planning and just rambling through the points).
Total Possible Points: 100