Final Portfolio

For your final portfolio, will need to create a portfolio consisting of original and revised material. 

Revision is all about taking a fresh set of eyes to previously created materials. Although this may sound like glorified proofreading, revision is a whole heap more than that, and to be done EFFECTIVELY, revision requires the power triad of time, organization, and attention to detail. The danger with revision lies in the temptation to believe you already know all the ins and outs of your work—believing there is nothing left to “do” to it. Editing can be a final step as part of the revision, but revision is not editing. Revision is revisiting, rereading, rethinking, reworking, and re-seeing. 

For your final portfolio, you will be asked to revise two of your projects and write a final reflection piece.

CHECK THE CLASS CALENDAR FOR THE DUE DATE. The Final Portfolio will not be accepted late. 

Final Portfolio Checklist

Revision Instructions for the Projects

For this revision, you must work in Google Docs – do not just upload the final revised document. We have several days in the computer lab for you to work on these revisions.

If you have limited access to a computer/internet: 


We will go through this in class, but if you miss that day, you will need to do this on your own (or come to my office hours for help).

You will need to focus on both high/middle-order concerns and later-order concerns to have a substantially revised essay. I strongly recommend vising the Reading and Writing Studio for revision suggestions. Also, take into consideration the comments I made on your paper and consider asking friends or family members for their suggestions. Remember, you are not just “proofreading” your paper, but are expected to do substantial revision work.

Final Reflection

Your final reflection will be a thorough and insightful reflection on your writing in this course. Because you will be covering more reflection than in previous reflection letters, the length and scale of this final is obviously greater.

You may write this in any genre that you choose or make a video.


If you choose to write an essay, the length requirement is at least words total. This should be formatted in MLA and use academic writing conventions. 

If you choose another genre, the piece should be the equivalent of this length. In other words, it doesn’t necessarily need to be the same exact word count, but it should still be detailed and developed enough that it would cover the same information as a 3-4 page essay.

Some examples: a 3-4 minute video, a 2-3 page magazine article, a long text conversation (this will likely be more than 3 pages to get all of the same information across). 

Several Notes: 


The following will need to be covered in your Final Reflection.

This reflection essay will be written in the genre of a formal essay, and thus it needs to work with the conventions appropriate to that genre (e.g. full sentences and paragraphs, proofread, edited, formal language). Furthermore, think about me as your audience. I will grade this reflection essay to the same standard that I grade your paper revisions, so put time into this, get feedback if you can, and proofread.


Revised Paper (A) Requirements

Revised Paper (A) meets requirements, has been thoughtfully revised, and the revision has improved the paper.

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (A) Genre and Organization

Revised Paper (A) meets the expected conventions of the genre(s) for the assignment, including paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, style, tone, paragraph development, and flow.

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (A) Paragraph Organization

Revised Paper (A) uses topic sentences to organize the essay's main points, uses evidence/examples to support the main points, and explains and/or analyzes the evidence to connect back to the points. Note: for Paper 2, this will be evaluated on paragraph organization based on the conventional style of paragraphing for that genre. 

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (A) Proofreading

Revised Paper (A) has been proofread and has little to no sentence-level errors including grammatical issues, mechanics, and spelling.

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (B) Requirements

Revised Paper (B) meets requirements, has been thoughtfully revised, and the revision has improved the paper.

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (B) Genre and Organization

Revised Paper (B) meets the expected conventions of the genre(s) for the assignment, including paper-level organization, paragraph-level organization, style, tone, paragraph development, and flow.

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (B) Paragraphing

Revised Paper (B) uses topic sentences to organize the essay's main points, uses evidence/examples to support the main points, and explains and/or analyzes the evidence to connect back to the points. 

Points Breakdown

Revised Paper (B) Proofreading

Revised Paper (B) has been proofread and has little to no sentence-level errors including grammatical issues, mechanics, and spelling.

Points Breakdown

Final Reflection Genre and Rhetorical Situation

The Final Reflection meets the expected conventions of the chosen genre and shows a clear understanding of the rhetorical situation, including writing for a specific audience and for a specific purpose.

Points Breakdown

Final Reflection Development and Prompts

The Final Reflection covers the required prompts and is well developed.

Points Breakdown

Final Reflection Organization

The Final Reflection is well organized for the genre choice

Points Breakdown

Final Reflection Revision and Proofreading

The Final Reflection has been revised and/or proofread. It is generally free of errors and readability/watchability issues. See the long description for more on videos.

Points Breakdown

Total Possible Points: 100